Stomach Virus
A stomach virus is caused by an invader in your GI tract that you body recognizes as a "bad guy" and needs to get rid of it. Our body does that by 3 ways: a fever, vomiting, and diarrhea. You may have some or all of those symptoms. So when we are vomiting or have diarrhea we should be thanking our body for eliminating the invaders. (I know it is no fun being sick, but it's actually a GOOD thing!)
When should we worry?
Most stomach viruses only last a day or two. IF you are vomiting for more than 2 days and you are unable to keep any water or solids down I would recommend contacting your physician. (Obviously, if you feel it is something other than a stomach virus seek medical attention sooner. Symptoms to be concerned about would include: severe abdominal pain, blood in the vomit, and if there was a head injury.