Tuesday, February 18, 2025

OUCH! Gas pains are rough.


There are few things more horrible than listening to your baby cry.  One reason babies cry is due to gas pains.  Here are a few ideas to try:
1.  Probiotics, probiotics, probiotics!  I would highly recommend FloraBoost for infants (see below)
2.  I LOVE YOU abdominal massage.  This is something I teach nearly every parent that brings their baby to see me.  It is such a valuable tool. 
3.  Distractions such as a warm bath or shower. 
4.  Getting your infant adjusted by a TRAINED pediatric chiropractor.  

Nothing helps to balance good bacteria and bad bacteria in your gut better than a HIGH QUALITY probiotic.  Bad bacteria in your gut can cause gas, bloating, and pain.  This probiotic is inexpensive and amazing.  MANY of my sweet infants patients have done VERY WELL with this supplement. 
This is an anti-inflammatory protein powder that is DAIRY FREE!  If you have been suffering with symptoms of inflammation such as joint pain, body aches, fatigue, etc then this is an option for you!  Works great in a smoothie with oat or almond milk. 

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