Friday, February 21, 2025

Breech babies... why Chiropractic might be your solution.


Tuesday, February 18, 2025

OUCH! Gas pains are rough.


There are few things more horrible than listening to your baby cry.  One reason babies cry is due to gas pains.  Here are a few ideas to try:
1.  Probiotics, probiotics, probiotics!  I would highly recommend FloraBoost for infants (see below)
2.  I LOVE YOU abdominal massage.  This is something I teach nearly every parent that brings their baby to see me.  It is such a valuable tool. 
3.  Distractions such as a warm bath or shower. 
4.  Getting your infant adjusted by a TRAINED pediatric chiropractor.  

Nothing helps to balance good bacteria and bad bacteria in your gut better than a HIGH QUALITY probiotic.  Bad bacteria in your gut can cause gas, bloating, and pain.  This probiotic is inexpensive and amazing.  MANY of my sweet infants patients have done VERY WELL with this supplement. 
This is an anti-inflammatory protein powder that is DAIRY FREE!  If you have been suffering with symptoms of inflammation such as joint pain, body aches, fatigue, etc then this is an option for you!  Works great in a smoothie with oat or almond milk. 

Friday, February 14, 2025

Are you struggling with a kid that is a bed-wetter?


BED WETTING (aka Nocturnal Enuresis)
Bed wetting is FAR more common in our kids than people talk about.  This is one area that can be a very complicated diagnosis and treatment or can be quite simple.  By the time I see these patients they have usually ruled out all sorts of things, and have tried so many things.  
Chiropractic adjustments, in my office, have helped MANY kids with this issue.  Both boys and girls from 4-16 years of age.  Let me know if you have any questions!  If someone you know is struggling with this in their home please let them know about our office.  

This product helps to calm your sympathetic nervous system.  Sometimes when we are running stressed all the time it makes it hard to urinate during the day.  It is a liquid and tastes great.  
Reacted Magnesium Powder
This product is so good at helping you get a restful sleep, calming your sympathetic nervous system, and can aid in bowel movements for some.  It is a powder with a great taste. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

What should I do for a sore throat?


Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Help! My kid has an ear infection!


EAR INFECTIONS (aka Otitis Media)
There is nothing worse than when you kids are sick.  It's hard not to feel helpless, but I want to give you ideas on things you can do at home. 
When your kids have stuffy noses or ear infections you should:
1. Avoid dairy and sugar.  These will increase mucus production and cause it to thicken.  
2. Get adjusted !  This will help tremendously to get the sinuses and ears to drain.  
3. For ear pain try Mullein Garlic drops in the ears. 
4. Kids: take D-Hist Jr and ViraKid,  Infants: FloraBoost.  
5. Adults: take Sinatrol.  

ViraKid is a booster of your immune system again viruses.  This works best when taken at first sign of a virus.  
D-Hist Jr
The NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine) in this product will thin out mucus which helps the mucus to drain. 

Monday, February 10, 2025

Can't go?


Friday, February 7, 2025

Bone Health


Thursday, February 6, 2025

What is torticollis?